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Old 10-13-2023, 10:30 PM   #13
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Default Re: Question for creators

Originally Posted by MarioNintendo View Post
What I’m trying to say is that art is work and that’s ok.
Thank you so much for the additional insight! I really love your quote too of "use this as an opportunity to get curious about yourself. You might find some knot in your soul that your art allowed you to become aware of." I have a lot more uncomfortable feels to figure out on a much more meta-level, but in terms of just this one song in particular, a reason I didn't like it initially was because of how unfamiliar I was with of the process.

A lot of my songs sound the same because I found a "general structure" or "formula" that worked for making something start to finish in the past, and I wanted to break that mold. However, despite the actual steps being much different to me (at least in terms of sound design, composition, and mix/mastering), my judgement was still the same as it had been. I have had a pretty bad habit of 'loud=better, mix and master everything to push 0db without noticeable distortion' and an even worse habit of 'compare this one instance of work to someone who is an expert. if it isnt 1-1 in quality, it's awful and you should re-consider pursuing this project.' But this time around, I tried to keep it pretty minimal with a larger focus on the groove and a more rich low-end; which does give me more headroom for detail oriented shenanigans, but doesn't offer the same head-buzzing punch I once chased. Not that this is a bad thing at all (in fact I'd argue this is better overall) but I'm so used to designing my stuff in one particular way that breaking away was a little bit turbulent.

Though overall, it didn't turn out too bad! There are some mistakes I'd fix moving forward, but that's the joy of learning. (Here is the finished song for anyone who is curious:

Last edited by Zyxel; 10-13-2023 at 10:31 PM..
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