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Old 08-25-2023, 03:12 PM   #1528
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Default Re: Recommend me some 2022 albums +1000th album halp

Day 1031: In Times New Roman... by Queens Of The Stone Age

Another childhood favorite, I saw these guys live a couple weekends ago and I probably mentioned that in another review. Fuck Forest Hills Stadium. Those who bought their tickets not-resale were apparently told via email that they were not to bring any cameras with a detachable lens, and I sure wish I got that email.

There's extra relevance to that concert anecdote, because I stubbed my way down to a more expensive seat while I was there hoping for some classic Homme antics, but unfortunately no pants were dropped, no slurs were shouted at teenagers in the audience and no media people were drunkenly kicked in the face. It seems the man is fully on the wagon and on his best behavior now after a VERY contentious divorce, as any slip-ups will reflect negatively on him at custody hearings. Or something like that. It's probably fucked up that I'm disappointed I didn't get to see the man make an ass of himself, but I can't help it. At the core, if he's getting healthy and doing what's best for his children, I'm glad.

According to Homme in interviews, the divorce was not a big influence on the album, but I'm pretty sure that was deflection. A lot of the lyrics and tones on this album seem to be bitter, vengeful, heartbroken, all that classic breakup emotional shit. That, however, I don't want to dwell on, because that's not why I'm convinced that the divorce factored into the songwriting.

I'm convinced because this album is actually GOOD.

If that's fucked up to say, whatever. We all know or SHOULD know that some of the best art comes from dark places, and I don't think this band is an exception to that. Besides Like Clockwork, all the QOTSA albums after Songs For The Deaf, which is probably their magnum opus, have been mid as hell, and felt like everyone involved was phoning things in for a paycheck. This actually feels like passion AND care was put into the songs, the production and the sequencing. It's not the best the band made, but at this stage in their career, it's remarkably solid, and I can't ask for more.

Well, I can ask for a real Kyuss reunion tour. Give me that.

Best Track: Carnavoyeur
Rating: 7/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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