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Old 08-20-2023, 08:43 PM   #197
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [GAME THREAD]

I've tried my best to do a real catch up, and so far I like that Haku gave a person-by-person read so far that helped me see some context...are we looking to pressure vote the inactive Zenith thus far?? Is the vote for no-lynch by Haku meant to be like a 'stake in the ground' to draw like a narrowing of discussion?

I say that, because it's accepted that no-lynching day 1 is almost always a bad idea right? Lest we accidentally kill that Millium like odds of risking that are 1/11....I don't see Haku intentionally wanting to keep a no-lynch vote for the entire phase bc I feel like Haku would have better plans than like is it a move to keep tabs for a final vote at the end???? HmmMM maybe I should do the same thing not sure how towny that sounds or now but it gives you a "push for check-mate" pressure near the end.....wouldn't want to be the one who get's last-second'd upon with votes at the end of phase no-no....wouldn't want to go out that way! xP
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