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Old 05-26-2023, 04:28 AM   #49
Elite Ninja
Kawaii Desu
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Default Re: OT16 De-Rust-a-thon

One whole row finished. This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I was really struggling with the 10 AAAs actually and the 0.9x speedmod challenge. I almost gave up when I still had a few AAAs left to get.

I barely made it with this one x_x

Went with a funny score submission for this one

This was pain and caused me to completely burn out from wanting to play FFR anymore for a while.
1) Nostalgia.

2) This song is still a free AAA for me.

3) Idk what possessed me to go for this one let alone actually being able to re-AAA it.

4) This one's free.

5) Fun but also kinda surprised I managed to re-AAA.

6) If you can't tell already I started investing into jumpstreams for re-AAAs.

7) Just had to worry about the jacks.

8) The streams in this got me lost so many times.

9) Meow.

10) Dunno how I managed to get this. Almost got jump scared by the ending long jacks and such.

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