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Old 02-15-2023, 05:43 PM   #11
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Default Re: What happened to Etienne?

Originally Posted by Lagrange Multiplier View Post
In my opinion though, he along with many other prior top players have become disillusioned towards the game because of the current state of the meta, where purely pushing speed and forcing scores has become the standard rather than consistency and accurate play (which also is reflected by the majority of new files and packs being released).

I don't blame him, and in a way klimt is correct, but at a point it becomes incredibly difficult to keep up with the progression of speed, and from a mental perspective, getting absolutely no recognition for your accomplishments because the average player doesn't appreciate their intricacies and is more focused on "haha when epsilon daniel clear??? x player did it faster already hahahaha" is a difficult mental block to overcome.

I doubt he has fully quit rhythm games because we don't quit, we just take breaks, but I am not at all surprised that he would find it unenjoyable now. Also consider the fact that nearly all the top players from his peak era have now also quit, it likely feels very alienating to continue to play.
Reasonable posts? In this economy?
I'm sorry I came here for shit-slinging and bad takes only

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