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Old 12-17-2022, 12:42 PM   #31
FFR Pro 21
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Default Re: FFRMas 2022 Token Giveaway!

Why did you join FFR and what makes you stick around?

Before joining FFR, I had stumbled on some YouTube videos of players playing songs on StepMania. Back then I thought that this was an amazing kind of game where any song you could think of could be played in the game, so I tried looking up on Google games that were just like the YouTube videos I saw way back then and see if I could play them myself. After a little while I stumbled upon FFR and gave it a try myself. Soon after I got hooked playing it and wanted to get good at the game, so I made an account.

What made me stuck around for all these years on FFR is certainly the community as a whole seeing the website grow to what it is today with everyone's contributions to the site whether it was new songs to the game, tournaments, new site features, new achievements/milestones to unlock, etc. It's been great to be apart of the rhythm gaming community and FFR for all these years.

What is the story behind your username?

Really to be honest my username was just pretty much made up out of thin air, and back in 2009 I'm sure there were many teenagers that when they first made gaming accounts, they wanted to make their usernames sound intimidating as if they were all MLG pro gamers and such. After a while of playing and grinding FFR though (and StepMania as well, especially during the 10 month period that the FFR site was down if anyone on here remembers that), I actually noticed that I was getting quite good at the game and entered the 6th Official Tournament in Division 5 (back then there were only 6 divisions) where I made it to round 4 after being eliminated. After that, I just ran with the username to this day from YouTube, to Twitch, to speedrunning, and so on.

Who from FFR makes a significant impact on your involvement in the community and why?

Man, it is so hard to name everyone that has had a significant impact on why I've been involved with the FFR/rhythm gaming community after all this time. I've had many friends/rivals that I've had great interactions with over the years whether it was on this site, on Skype, on Discord, or in-person at a Games Done Quick or Anime North. The best part of rhythm gaming communities I've learned over the years is pushing the limits as to what is humanly possible, and back when I was playing FFR hardcore, I loved seeing others reach new heights/milestones/limits in the game and it motivated me to go achieve them myself seeing that it can be done. Hopefully I can find that kind of hardcore motivation again with FFR, but life and other things I have to do makes finding that drive pretty difficult.

What kind of feature would you want the most in FFR?

There's a couple features I would like to see added to FFR:
1) Having separate level ranks and leaderboards for songs played on rates other than 1.0, and have the scores calculated/ranked based on it. Of course, a score that plays on a higher song rate should be ranked higher than one that is played on a lower one, even if they both score the same amount of raw goods.

2) The option to have the song's pitch either change or stay the same based on whether you play on a higher/lower song rate than 1.0. I know in FFR the pitch changes when you use song rates other than 1.0, but some other rhythm games have the pitch stay the same regardless of how fast or slow you play a song.
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