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Old 12-16-2022, 07:26 PM   #18
O Derby, Where Art Thou?
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Default Re: FFRMas 2022 Token Giveaway!

Why did you join FFR and what makes you stick around?
I'm pretty sure I have shared this in various chats, but never on the forum. Sometime in early 2006 (around April/May) we were visiting my brother and his then-girlfriend. His girlfriend had one of the DDR games for the PS2 and a plastic mat. I originally tried playing normally, but after awhile got frustrated and instead started playing with my hands instead of my feet. My brother's girlfriend showed me FFR instead. I played for a few months and showed the game to a couple of friends, but didn't make an account. It wasn't until one of those friends created an account that I finally got around to doing the same.

What is the story behind your username?
Back in the MSN/WLM Messenger days one of the popular things to do was something like "Your name in Japanese". Obviously not accurate, but for fun I used the result of that as my screen name. x After Dawn x shortened my result to "Toshy" and started calling me that, so I adopted that username in most places until I eventually shortened it further to Tosh.

Who from FFR makes a significant impact on your involvement in the community and why?
The easy answer to this would be YoshL, but I'm going to briefly mention the 2nd person: Doug31. Doug himself likely doesn't know this, but even after I created my first account I still didn't use the forums at all. As a result, I really wasn't aware of various playstyles, etc. After hitting a road block playing one handed I decided to look on the forums to see if other people had ideas on how to get better and Doug31 had a post mentioning the spread playstyle. Without coming across that post I probably would've quit the game a long time ago.

Last edited by tosh; 12-16-2022 at 07:36 PM.. Reason: added another answer
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