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Old 12-16-2022, 05:59 PM   #16
Digital Dancing!
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Default Re: FFRMas 2022 Token Giveaway!

Why did you join FFR and what makes you stick around?
I saw DDR on Good Morning America and asked for it for Christmas in 2004 because it looked fun, was playing with my cousin who had a friend who told me about a website you could play with your keyboard called Flash Flash Revolution or something. The rest was history.

What is the story behind your username?
Buckle up buttercups.
I used to play a game on Miniclip with my dad called Couronne Deluxe, it's kinda like billiards but with discs that you try to get into pockets at the corners.

Anyway my 12-year-old self was renowned for having no finesse and just assblasting the pucks around at max strength and not taking much time to aim. So, of course, like a true preteen, when my dad told me to stop rushing so much, I adopted the name for myself and was from then on known as "rushy" on Couronne Deluxe. I also used this name on the sensational new-to-Miniclip game Puzzle Pirates, where I met my best friend at the time who went by the name of froggyrulz. Mind you, this was all before I had even discovered FFR, or at the very least, was playing without an account. Fast forward a few months to late 2005 around Thanksgiving time, I finally decided to create my FFR account (<<join date on forums is wrong) and in my infinite wisdom, decided that appending "rulz" to the end of my name would be edgy and cool - and thus "rushyrulz" was born. I then later roped froggy into FFR of course because it's the right thing to do, and around the same time or a bit later, adopted the same name on RuneScape which I was using up until about 2 years ago.

Who from FFR makes a significant impact on your involvement in the community and why? (For example this can be someone from FFR you idolize/respect, an FFR rival that pushes you to improve, or a good friend from FFR that you made since joining.)
my rivals and/or idols over the years that have pushed me to new heights (in chronological order) have been:
Smitty, Shashakiro (obviously), NSane, Jtehanonymous, Riotpolice, Hakulyte (still a close match to this day)
Honorable mention to ce1545 who was never a rival per se, but has been a good friend for over a decade and counting.

What kind of feature would you want the most in FFR? (Can be for the game or the website.)
n-way multiplayer, says the man with over 13,500 MP games.

Last edited by rushyrulz; 12-16-2022 at 06:14 PM..
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