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Old 08-27-2022, 03:36 PM   #138
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Default Re: Dump Batch Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by WirryWoo View Post
But if a song is intended to be rhythmically simple, yet we are creating a well crafted dump just to improve song choice variety for the higher skilled players, wouldn't that be blatantly obvious to see how certain sounds are unnecessarily stepped as a blurb of arrows?
you can pretty easily explain this as a chart creator to an artist by just telling them you're charting something that's not rhythm. take a crash cymbal. the standard charting meta would necessarily dictate that this be charted with a jump, possibly a hand. with ffr you don't have the option to use a hold and have it end at the same time the sound does, so in nearly every case, this would just be jump/hand followed by play time silence. put a particularly interesting bit of reverb on the crash cymbal's tail and the standard charting meta would still want the same jump/hand, even though the sound itself is doing something different.
and honestly with this example, if you told an artist you were charting reverb it'd probably blow their mind lmao

By creating these well crafted dumps, are we really abstracting the feel of music appropriately or are we only just doing this to cater the vocal high division playerbase? I personally believe it's the latter.
"well crafted" in bold because that is key. if it's a well crafted chart, then you can easily do the former. if it's made just for the sake of getting a 100+ chart out of some pop music then yeah it's the latter.
while yes, an abstract chart is going to probably be harder overall than a technical chart for the same song, it doesn't always have to be that much harder, and you can still incorporate abstract stuff in a technical chart as well (think of it as trading technicality for playability). abstraction will probably end up making more and more sense the better and better a player becomes.

Originally Posted by bmah View Post
tl;dr yes casuals don't listen to breakcore...but why not let FFR be an avenue to promote new music. Get that curiosity of new genres of music going through the medium of a fun game.
allowing abstract charts wouldn't dissuade this at all lol this is somewhat of a moot point, possibly working better in the argument for them

Originally Posted by bmah View Post
I'm still concerned about content and innovations for...well...everyone else? It circles back to what I mentioned earlier about organic growth and not only looking towards very seasoned players that are already familiar with rhythm games.
the innovations for everyone else are going to need to come from additional mechanics in the game itself. modes with higher keycounts (implement 6k and I will make so many charts for this game again), mines, holds, rolls (but call em something more intuitive), etc.
also run more easy song batches and incentivize the seasoned players to make more easy charts. seasoned players want to make stuff around the difficulties they're most comfy with.
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