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Old 08-21-2022, 07:38 PM   #10
Flower Baby♥
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Default Re: Freshman Year of HS starts tommorow

You have plenty of great advice already, but I'll just add on to press the importance of simply being yourself and learning to adapt well to new settings as long as you're sticking to your true nature.

I was fairly awkward as a teenager, so it was a lot of tough learning for me, and I felt pressured into doing a lot of things I never would have done without feeling like I 'needed' to be accepted.

The true, genuine friends I had never pressured me into situations where I had to push from my comfort zone while the ones I did feel pressured by always had a falling out with me, and it was never worth forcing myself through situations I never wanted to be part of.

I was not necessarily a good student, and I do regret not applying myself a little more. Thankfully it doesn't reflect to how I am now, but I wish I would have been more disciplined as a teenager to brace myself more for the discipline the real world requires. Even if the subjects may not ultimately be relevant to my future. Try to find activities that are pleasant to you that you can easily be involved with to build those fond memories for the future and practice those positive social skills.

You'll be just fine, good luck and enjoy!!

Last edited by Starlight562; 08-21-2022 at 07:40 PM..
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