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Old 07-20-2022, 09:38 PM   #8
Elite Ninja
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Default Re: Songs of the Week 07/15/2022

Kadinchey: This was enjoyable to play for a lower difficulty file.

Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated: File seems fine. Not my kind of cup of tea for music so it's just kind of one of those songs I hope to one and done. I think I recall someone saying this is a cut version of the song so I appreciate that~

Angel Wing: Overall a really cool file and enjoyed playing this one haha. Very memorable and I'm interested in playing it on rates later on. There was one section that stood out odd to me though and that's around 900-ish combo where it feels like there's missing notes that should have been there. Great job tho o7

The Friendly Wolf (Part 1): Was honestly looking the most forward to playing this file the most because it kind of reminds me of files like Obscene Amount of Steam (my favourite chart to exist shoutouts to Wilson ) and such with it sounding somewhat similar to a SessileNomad kind of song and having a rolly/bursty nature and slight tech to some of it but more tame. It was really fun to play and even though it took me a few attempts to fix the sightread missflag I had on it I didn't regret having to play it more than once since I like the song and the chart is fun! On a technical aspect sure I can see some areas that could use improvement/changes but all in all I care more about a file being fun rather than technically correct usually. Great job on your first file in-game Looking forward to Part 2 (if there even is one )

Micro Media Broth: Oh boy... I feel bad for D6 yet again. They are getting murdered by jacks left and right in these early rounds. As soon as I saw this chart started up in the preview stream I immediately said something along the lines of "oh hey it's Weapons brother" or something and I'm sure many others felt the same way at the time, which is bad news for me because I have a bad relationship with Weapon (aka BFed it since ages ago and can't fix and don't agree with it not being a scarhand get as it's an 84 right now). I have to play this song on mirror to make it feel slightly less uncomfortable but either way it still feels uncomfortable in some areas. I think the file is well done and I really enjoy playing mostly everything that's after the intro. The intro I have a huge gripe with how some of the jumpglut patterning feels in play. The difficulty of this file for sure lands in the intro and ending of the file for me but the ending is really fun to play at least.

Apocaliptix: Much like Micro Media Broth, the intro is pain and not fun to play again for me. The patterns feel horrible and mirror only slightly helps it feel less awkward but not enough. Outside of the intro the rest of the file is really fun to play tho.

Schwerkraft: As most D8 song reviews are expected to go for me. Too hard for me to fully appreciate because I'm not at that level of play right now but what was playable for me was really fun outside of the spike and I have a feeling that if I was able to play at a D8 level that I'd actually really enjoy more of this chart but I won't know until if I ever get there . But yeah I actually found this file fun when I'm playing at the top of my game.

Erase Me: While I'm not a big fan of the song or this style of music I actually really really liked your chart for it and definitely would have to say this is one of my more favourite "storn" charts I've played. Great job~

Last edited by Elite Ninja; 07-20-2022 at 09:45 PM..
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