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Old 07-18-2022, 01:06 PM   #18
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Default Re: TWG 202 - POST-GAME

Ok. I am calmer now. Let me I guess try to articulate some stuff.

I think a huge hard tip off should have been when I wasn’t held to the fire. I think in most situations I should have been, as I said during the game. It’s a bigger flag post game than mid game. The lurker train was awful. I should have iso’d haku AND FFA. I think we go differently there.

I didn’t fully intend to destroy Haku with that long post. Sincerely any of those bigger points falls the rest followed imho. But I am literally the last person emotional appeals work on when i’m being aggressive, and I think most folks would agree with me. I think Haku dude you gotta play with a bit more sense. You’re literally inches away from being a solid Xiz-style player, I wanna see you get there.

I also have come around that FFA and Freezin played correctly by being quiet and not voting. I think it was a good read of a possible cfd onto ffa.

Also I will say I think I couldn’t have been, at least at the start, more charitable with that long post. But missing two days, one due to laziness, the other due to sleeping for 12 hours straight and being silly tired all weekend didn’t help, but I had the time. Totally fair.

Uhg. I’m a bit mad I didn’t do the extra iso. Good tunnel, not enough lanes.
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