Thread: StepCon 2022
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Old 04-15-2022, 10:42 AM   #79
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Default Re: StepCon 2022

Played through all charts. Approached it with a "1st and 2nd" system. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion. I think there was a lot of quality stuff overall, which is really nice to see.

OO = 1st
O = 2nd


1. O
- Very solid, flows well
- Would've liked something to match the difficulty of the intro jacks
- Lovely anchor choice at the end

- This is a bit heartbreaking. See other notes
- The chart flows very nicely, and it's fun to play physically
- However, the layering is just too confusing. There are a lot of ghost notes in various song sections with different intensity. Because of that, it makes that layering choice feel repetitive and bland despite how good the patterns are. Promising stepartist I think if they work on that aspect.

3. OO
- Super good chart here too
- A bit inconsistent maybe with the slow 8ths parts w.r.t. the 8ths jacks
- Great patterning

- Good flow and patterns
- Sadly not a fan of the layering; it's too empty at times when similar intensity song sections were significantly more fully layered
- Needs a bit more polish

If You Can't Hang:

- Storn is that you from the other class? Long anchored jacks, dicksync'd vocals, etc hahaha
- Super solid chart
- A bit repetitive I think because of a possible lack of memorable bits/sections

- Sweet chart
- Suffers the same symptom as #1 but a bit more
- Bass kick layering and patterning feels a bit inconsistent (8ths minijacks or not)
- 2 or 3 instances of a missing 16th in the streams iirc

- Pretty fun chart overall
- First half overlayering doesnt fit the rest of the chart
- Breakdown sections seem underlayered
- Nice jump/hand gluts patterns

- Cool attempt at a lower difficulty layering
- 16ths minijack into jumps are by far too spiky for the chart
- Needs polish on the vocals sync, felt a bit too far off the actual timing on some notes
- Good consistency in general

5. OO
- Wow that's pretty solid
- This is (imo) a very good example of the layering following the intensity of the song while still providing variety in similar sections.

- Interesting take on the no-vocals layering, fun to play overall
- Lacking variety because of the layering though; the jumptrills become repetitive quite quickly
- Important to note that (12)(34) stuff is Not equivalent to (14)(23), especially with minijack transitions out of them
- Consistency is great

- Well that was tiring to say the least hahaha. I'll assume it's all fully thought through anyway.
- Although the layering matches the intensity relatively well overall, the patterning is too abrasive. There are unnecessary 16ths minijacks in the 32nds js.
- Lacking memorable bits/sections, too repetitive

8. O
- Very solid chart
- Similar thoughts (pros and cons) to #1 really, not much else different to say.

Koneko's Cafe:

1. OO
- Very cute and fun chart
- Solid flow of the patterns and low intensity layering
- I'm not entirely sure if I like that 32nds rolly usage, feels a bit generic maybe? Although the patterns used in those are still pretty fun. Just a preference thing

- If the song was that single cut, I'd seriously want it ingame because it's well done
- Sadly, this cut definitely misses out on the full song, which is full of fun stuff to chart/play

- Fun chart overall
- 32nds full on trills are a bit too spiky for the rest of the chart
- Layering could use a little polish
- Flows pretty nicely

- Cool low difficulty approach
- Layering decisions make the chart a bit bland when you consider what's going on in the song, especially the use of the 24ths
- Great PR and patterning overall, fun to play

- Good chart with nice ideas here and there
- The two colored jacks are quite memey; they dont really fit the low intensity of the sounds they go to
- 32nds trills in first half are pretty generic and bland, even wrong at one part, but in the second half they're much more fun and varied
- Has good potential, but needs polishing

6. O
- Very well executed low difficulty chart, good job
- Not my preference in terms of how much potential of the song it uses, but I totally wouldnt mind seeing this ingame

I'm The Boss:

- Interesting vocals-only chart
- The coloring's purpose is clear, but I personally think it's a crutch to make the parts seems more interesting and distinct despite the generic layering
- Great PR overall
- The mix of grace notes in the hand jacks is a bit spiky

2. OO
- Very solid execution
- Nice memorable parts (that includes that silly 1 (12) (123) (1234) hahah)
- I'd say the first half is a bit underwhelming relative to second half in terms of difficulty
- Great flow and PR

3. O
- Nice flowing chart
- The layering choices makes it too generic for me, especially with no cut it gets quite repetitive
- PR is good outside of long js

- Pretty good execution overall
- The consistency is solid throughout
- Color usage feels a bit overdone in parts, especially the denser ones where it becomes a non-negligible spike
- I'm not sure what to think of the 32nds mini bursts being the global difficulty of the chart

- Good simple chart
- Similar thoughts as #3.
- Bit of inconsistency in PR within the js at the end vs the other js sections (see the "very very sorry..." parts)

- Fun low difficulty chart
- Consistency is good throughout
- Weird coloring on the various "I'm the boss" lines?
- Bit too generic overall too, doesn't reflect the big differences in song sections. That's mostly due to layering decisions

Last edited by xXOpkillerXx; 04-15-2022 at 11:24 AM..
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