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Old 03-17-2022, 12:39 PM   #19
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Default Re: Death Piano: A History of the chart and the current AAA

Originally Posted by kmay View Post
Damn I didn't know all that about Mr. Rubix
You should go back and find the thread where it was all revealed. People were shitting on Dossar and saying "omg we ALL already knew it was a botted score, get over your superiority complex you f****t" and to this day that thread still pisses me off. Krunky was the one who was shitting on him the most, and I hope he's turned around since, but reading that thread still makes me mad as fuck and Dossar DID NOT deserve to be shit on for that, and all those motherfuckers were 100% lying about "omg we KNEW it was a botted score get over yourself Doss"

Seriously, people were straight up lying "we ALL knew it was a botted score" just to attack teenage Dossar, and it honestly still strikes me as one of the most enraging game-related forum moments on this website. These people did NOT know it was a botted score, no matter how much they claim they did, and lying about that to attack someone who was trying to protect the integrity of the game probably angers me more than it angers Doss himself lol

And this dude was 25 shitting on a 17 year old lol
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Last edited by rayword45; 03-17-2022 at 12:47 PM..
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