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Old 09-10-2021, 07:32 PM   #17
This ma coo coo face
D7 Elite KeysmasherFFR Veteran
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Age: 33
Posts: 887
Default Re: 2021 is ending soon

How has your year been?
Its been better than last year, to say the least lol. I have been streaming on Twitch for almost 2 years, collabed with one of my favorite guitar players on two covers(he also streams, his name is Josh Travis. He was responsible for the bands Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza, Glasscloud, and he is now in the band Emmure), reached a level of skill in FFR and mania games alike that I never thought I would reach, working again, got a RAISE in that job recently, joined a new band playing good ol rock n roll, and I lost more weight! Just collabing with Josh made my entire year, hes such a cool guy lol

Have you achieved the goals you set for yourself?
This year? No. The goals, however, are still present and being worked on. This music is gonna work somehow, even if it kills me. Not giving up on it ever. I havent really worked much on Infinite's music in a while, but Im back on that. I feel like joining this new band lit a new fire under my ass to keep things moving, not just in the new band but the new material for Infinite and the direction I want to take it. The only thing is, like from the very beginning, is finding like-minded people that want to contribute creatively as much me. Until then, the material will continue to build up. That's it!

Have you improved as a person?
Physically, yes! Mentally, I think im still the same dude, just older and wiser....... mostly older hahaha

Are you ready for the coming future?
BEST AAAs: Fluttershy (Monster Mix), S.E.B. in B.E.D., EHHS, Dreadnought [Heavy], .357 Magnum, Destination of the Heart, Oops, Boot, Puzzle, Colorful Course,
BLACKFLAGS: Spaceman, A FLOWER GARDEN, Paraclete, Just Why, Pussy Pump, Future Destination
BEST SDGs: Casino fire Kotomi-chan(7-0-0-1), Shitsubou Choco(7-0-0-0) Adventures of Lolo(7-0-0-3), Louder!! Louder!!!! Louder!!!!!!(3-0-0-1), Great Battleship(3-0-0-0), Shatterscape (Bexarametric Remix)(5-0-0-1)
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