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Old 08-15-2021, 05:14 PM   #17
D7 Elite Keymasher
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Default Re: FC Stat bar - New Implementation

Originally Posted by benny58624 View Post
Ever since the change from Combo scoring to Raw scoring I've wanted the FC bar to be reworked. I don't think it should be removed even if it's not getting reworked: some people are still interested in FC's even though it's flawed, and people that don't care about FC's can just ignore it.

How to rework the FC system:
The main flaw of the FC system is that you can lose your FC status when improving your score. To fix this, stop tracking FC's on the website and track FC* instead (renaming it to FC).
A more controversial additional idea (and more difficult to implement due to tokens) is making "Boo" and/or "Average" break your combo. This change would make it (nearly) impossible to mash for a FC, so FC's would be a more meaningful metric to have.
THIS, THIS. I've always held the stance that "Goods" in rhythm games shouldn't be counted towards combo, so its always weird how an Average counts towards an FC*.

Something else I don't like is the Anti-mashing/anti-ghost taping that FFR has, the devs should make it more like a passive system like how Etterna does it, instead though, they Implemented something that has randomly punished me more than it has helped incentivize me to NOT mash, but thats a rant for another day. Because of this, I think that Boos should still be counted, just make them turn an FC into an FC* like what averages do

Last edited by ToonE156; 08-15-2021 at 05:16 PM..
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