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Old 08-1-2021, 07:18 PM   #11
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Default Re: TWG 200 Game Thread: Dichotomy


subaru - Subaru's come across as very genuine both in terms of tone and intention. I also really liked how he responded to being pressured and having a wagon start to form on him back in d0. Like when he went toe to toe with cel, there was a bit of OMGUS there, sure, but it felt more like he really wanted to get to the bottom of where cel was coming from because subaru himself couldn't understand it. It's like if subaru was a wolf and cel pointed out legitimately wolfy things, subaru would be more like, "Well, no, you're wrong, I didn't do that for this reason." Here it was more like genuine confusion, like, "I'm town, so how in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks did you reach that conclusion??"

ben/bolthy - After everything we've been through, it's really hard to imagine storn/ben being w/w. There's also the self-voting and the acceptance that his death was going to be a necessity. I think wolf ben would've fought back much harder. Bolthy (hi bolthy!) I'm more null on since there hasn't been much going on with him yet, but my read on ben is strong enough that bolthy would have to do something really, really wacky to get me to scumread him.

backpack - Dap's been putting in the work to solve this game, alignments and mechanics alike, and I've mindmelded with plenty of what he's brought up. I believe his claim too for reasons I've talked about already (if he lied then I think he would've gone about it in a different, safer way). Whether you think he's town or 3p, his two shots were people he was scumreading (and, in the case of charu, someone who he thought would be difficult to get any momentum going against), so it sounds like he's at least playing town-aligned regardless.

fg - fg's like cel in that it feels like she's viewing this game totally differently than me (minus, of course, her tforce read). I know she's not the only person who thought storn was town, but she was very adament about it, and she's the only person I can think of who strongly believes xiz is town. I believe her too when she talks about being infuriated and feeling ignored. I don't think fg's the type of wolf to lie about that, nor do I think wolf fg would feel as strongly about it vs town fg. If she's a wolf then people ignoring her would actually be pretty benefitical! If she's feeling infuriated then that shows me she has skin in the game and is motivated to solve and work together with people to catch wolves.

blind - Weirdness about how his role works vs how dap's works (eg why didn't blind get a result?) aside, I'm pretty sure blind's telling the truth about being a PR. I noticed he was quieter than usual d0, and he didn't assume as much of a leadership role as he usually does, so it makes sense if he's a PR. He didn't want to be in the limelight and become a target. I think claiming like he did, so early on in a mystery game where so much is still unknown, would be a really dangerous move as a wolf, so I'm inclined to believe it. Also, dap said he didn't kill him, and if the third killing power is town-aligned then I struggle to see them shooting blind when he softed his role as hard as he did, so chances are high he was killed by wolves. There is, however, the issue that he was part of the haku rush, and also that he didn't want to flip logman/star d1. I'm kinda torn between putting him as a town lean vs null, but like, if I put him as null then that's as good as saying I don't believe his claim, and there's more points in its favor than there are against it.

roundbox - This is another case of, "I don't think they're a wolf, but they COULD be a wolf." He's trying to solve, and he's putting his best foot forward in trying to keep everyone from getting too tangled up in the unknowns of the setup, which is very townie. He also seemed...not quite disappointed, not quite frustrated, but maybe disheartened that people in the main thread weren't interacting with him and the rest of the mirror thread. He's also not doing his usual wall-of-quotes style of posting, which I believe almost always makes an appearance when he's scum.

charu - Charu's been making me uneasy for no good reason. Maybe it's entirely an issue on my end, but my intuition/gut feeling is that something's up. But, again, if I try to iso him and pick apart his posts, there's not really anything I take issue with. Pushing back against the storn flip for mechanical reasons is the only thing that comes to mind, but even then I can understand his POV. I don't think there's any real hurry or even real need to figure out his slot at this point, so I'm fine with leaving him as a null read. (PS, sorry charu, I'm sure it's annoying to be read like this )

cedo - I won't fault cedo for his killer schedule, but as I said before, even when he was in the thread and active (eg d0 EOD), he seemed more focused on making sure we knew he was there and struggling to think about stuff than actually making moves or trying to ask questions to gain insight and help gain his footing. It felt like he was prioritizing impression management over scumhunting. Otherwise, though, he hasn't done anything overtly scummy that I can think of. POE just isn't in his favor.

xel - Xel doesn't seem too too interested in solving, nor has he gotten particularly fired up about anything. He had his back and forth with kappa, but that didn't feel like it was super game-related. Like, I feel when town xel sees something he doesn't like he says, for example, "You're a fucking idiot, don't do that," but wolf xel is more like, "You're a fucking idiot, but go ahead, it's your funeral." Him asking fg that super random question also didn't sit well with me since 1) he hasn't really asked random questions like that to anyone else, and 2) fg is his neighbor, so why ask something like that in-thread?

star - As great of a game as star is playing, I feel much stronger about ben/bolthy being town over her/logman, so with the haku rush in mind, it must've happened to protect her slot and not ben's. Her reticence to being flipped even though she was the d0 lynch and it would've given so much more info over anyone else's in the game at that point (blind, subaru, and GS) kinda seals the deal for me.
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