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Old 07-14-2021, 08:39 AM   #21
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Default Re: Someone's cry for help

Originally Posted by len_kagamine View Post
hey guys, it's me, Len
first of all, sorry for bad English since it's not my first language

thanks for all the support
it's a bit late, but last Monday i took a covid test (swab antigen btw), and i'm NEGATIVE
still, i have to keep myself fit and follow the strict health protocol

as you may already know, the covid cases in Indonesia increased really high, around 54k cases today, and that left me speechless... and let's not talk about the death cases....

also for the job... i have applied to some companies, and last Wednesday i got called by one of those companies and took the online test
they said they will make a decision in 14 days (since last Wednesday) if i'm qualified the test and have the interview or not

anyways, have a good day/night/midnight, stay safe~
Best of luck to you dude, and hope you get that job! If you don't, don't get discouraged, just keep on applying and you'll find something soon enough.
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