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Old 05-8-2021, 04:19 PM   #1
FFR Events
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Default O.W.L. Multiplayer Tournament

Welcome to FFR's O.W.L. Multiplayer Tournament!

Contestants will be split into their respective divisions, seeded, and proceed to play a H.O.R.S.E.-style double elimination bracket system.

The bracketed matches themselves will be dolled out in a first come first serve basis in a compact time slot system designed to avoid unnecessary overlap and encourage healthy sleeping schedules :slight_smile:

The scoring for said matches will be based off of whether or not you can beat your opponent in a 'first to 3 wins' scenario, with the lowest raw goods for a song acheiving a 'win'.

Song Selection:

Players will take turns picking from songs that fall into both players 'average difficulty range', plus or minus 10 in both directions in difficulty.
'average difficulty range' is the average of the two contestants and their skill level on global leaderboards. (If one player is level 73, and the other is level 75, the average would be 74 {making 64-84 the song range}.)
The first song will be picked by whoever has the lower skill rating.
The second will be picked by the other person competing.
The songs following will be picked by whomever has the highest cumulative raw goods until one competitor has received all three letters (O.W.L.)

Pick bans are as follows:
Legacy files
April Fools files (including but not limited to M.A.M.A.)
0 rated files


In order to set up a match with your opponent, head over to "here" for the scheduling thread where we'll keep everyone on track!

Late penalties WITH communication will be judged on a case by case basis, at the very MOST resulting in receiving a letter to start the game with.

Late penalties WITHOUT communication (within 3 days of missed match date) will see the offender thrown in to the losers bracket, or if no bracket is available, thrown out of the tournament for a No Show.

Time slots are as follows:

FlynnMac: After 8 pm EST

badman7772: After 7 pm EST

qrrbrbirbel: Before 1 pm EST

gold stinger: Between 1-8 pm EST

Each of our 4 MP Judges will oversee 3 matches per hour, with a total of 36 matches overseen maximum per day

The semifinals and finals will be broadcast under our FFR streaming account!

Prizes for each division are as follows:

1st place is 200,000 credits, plus 2 picks for event tokens
2nd place is 150,000 credits, plus 1 pick for event token
3rd place is 100,000 credits, plus 1 pick for event token
4th - 8th 25,000 credits

*Please note that if there are not enough sign-ups to warrant divisions, the plan is to go for a divisionless, seeded tournament where seed is based on skill level.*
*Prize structure will be adjusted to reflect whether we get enough sign-ups to do divisions, or have to do divisionless.*


To make sure we have added you to the roster, click right here to access the spreadsheet.

Sign-up here by replying "in" by June 1st, and "owl" get you on the roster!
Tounament Start Date will be June 2nd and will most likely end in 2-3 weeks depending on participation.

Looking For Groooooooooooooooooooooooooooup!

Last edited by FFR Events; 08-3-2021 at 08:48 PM..
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