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Old 04-6-2021, 05:21 PM   #17
O Derby, Where Art Thou?
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Default Re: Since We're All Old Now...

A few others have already mentioned it, but I care a lot more about my finances than I used to. Forming a picture of how much to budget towards monthly expenses, how much to put towards savings (rainy day fund, travel budget, future home down payment, etc), investments, etc. Nowadays, a good chunk of the videos that I watch on Youtube are in some way related to finance.

I still don't consider myself to be a good cook, but in recent months I have been cooking more and in general also expanding on the kinds of foods I'll eat.

Younger me took exercising for granted, but as I have gotten older I realized it's not as easy for me to stay in shape and I have to make a more concerted effort at it. Have admittedly been very lax on this recently, but my schedule will free up soon so it's something I plan to get back into.

Got bit by the computer building bug a few years back. There is a certain amount of satisfaction in it where you spend time to research what you want, what will look good together from an aesthetic perspective, what makes sense within your budget, what parts you can buy on sale, then you put everything together and it boots up. I have an eventual goal of building a home server, but that is still probably a few years off. I'm not a car person, but getting into PC parts has made me understand how someone can get really into cars/car parts.

Last edited by tosh; 04-6-2021 at 05:23 PM..
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