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Old 03-26-2021, 01:25 PM   #2
the Haku
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Default Re: Suggestions Before I See A Psychiatrist

Self awareness is key for these things. If you understand that this is happening, you can develop countermeasures to avoid or reduce the effects. That part is probably better handled in the hands of said Psychiatrist.

I think the closest experience I have with that was dealing with epilepsy and having residual "mental absences" as in the brain not wanting to go back into its thinking state until a certain short period of time. It's like it needed time to breathe and reorganize itself before letting me continue to think properly. In these times, I often ask really simple surface level questions that makes very little sense to ask if you think for more than 5 seconds. e.g: I read the time myself and then ask someone what's the time as if I needed a confirmation that I'm still processing thoughts properly. (and no, it's not a language barrier thing, but I sure loved that excuse)

This only occurs to me if I'm really tired or if I've been doing a high effort activity like sprinting nonstop for a while. So, in my case it's pretty simple. If I need to drive a car and go somewhere, I must have slept properly and I must not go sprint and make myself tired on purpose. I think the most interesting thing for you to do at this point would be to monitor how often it happens, how to trigger it and if there's preventive things you can do so it doesn't happen. I feel like you started this process already and if you have obstacles that you're unsure about, it makes complete sense to go for the professional.

It's very possible what you have has different variations from what I have so, it makes sense to not rely on it. Your trigger was stress and mine was failing to get sleep when I needed sleep. It might affect slightly different parts of the brain.

tl;dr: The more you understand everything about what's happening to you, the better. Mental health is mostly about keeping a balance and clearly this is worth looking into.
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