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Old 03-4-2021, 10:59 PM   #7
"The Quebec Steparatist."
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Default Re: March 2021: 31 days game review challenge

March 4th

Today's challenge is: “I'll finish it some day”

I thought this one was gonna be hard, but turns out it isn't at all. I usually commit whenever I start a game, or quit and don't intend to come back unless I feel like I have nothing else to play on the same console whenever I want to play it. I have a huge backlog, sure, but they're games I've never even booted. Therefore, the list is quite short, and from that list, I'll pick Star Ocean on the Super Famicom.

This game initially piqued my curiosity because of its use of the S-DD1 chip. The only other SNES game with it (and the only one we got in the West) is Street Fighter Alpha 2, a game that pretty much had no business being on that console. I later took a look at some game footage, and to no surprise at all it absolutely blew every other SNES JRPG out of the waters, at least when it comes to the graphics. I also found out that the game was remade for the PSP (and officially translated), but then playing it would “feel pointless”, as the whole point of it to me was because it was some juiced up Nintendo 16 bits.

I ended up ordering 2 reproduction carts from a shady as fuck dealer from Northern Montreal, which we made a 1h long detour for while driving to Anime North, got the two light pink repro carts from the guy and shoved one up Kommisar's ass (true story).

But anyway, let's talk about the game. It's just as pretty and technically impressive as I expected. It's otherwise your standard JRPG, except for the fact that the combat isn't really passive and more of a hybrid like Parasite Eve, something that I love a LOT. I was also surprised to see 3D cutscenes and voice acting, that SNES might start to leak smoke after a few hours of gameplay. I haven't played it enough to know how much I like it, but I can say that the game kept me interested the whole time.

So, why haven't I finished it? I don't really know. I tell myself “I should continue Star Ocean today” but never end up actually playing it. I last played it like 2 years ago! I still feel like playing it right now, but I'm not gonna do that. Soon™.

The game is only available on the Super Famicom (but playable on the regular SNES if you break the region locking edges inside the console's casing), in Japanese only (it has been fan translated, however). Additionally, there are the remakes, which came out on PSP, PS4 and Switch.


Last edited by Hateandhatred; 04-10-2021 at 02:54 PM..
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