Thread: France
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Old 11-2-2020, 11:01 AM   #16
The Dominator
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Default Re: France

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie View Post
All abrahamic religions are morally evil and fucked up, I promise it's not just Islam. Think about baptists down south marrying off their 14 year old daughters. There are extremists of all types. Then there is my neighbour who is muslim and currently has 4 foster kids, of like 50 she's had over the years. She's done way more for Canadian society than 99% of people

For us specifically Dynamo, we live in a place where we have publicly funded Catholic schools. I went to one. That is a way bigger of a problem to me and bigger threat to my well being than random islamic extremists. There's literal religious indoctrination being provincially funded

I agree with you in that I think Islam is a net negative to society but I feel the same way about all religions. and honestly Catholics have a lot more influence on me personally so I'd rather talk about that
I went to a Catholic school as well and as soon as I learned about world religions that's when I knew it was all bs. I agree that our society is predominantly Judeo-Christian and the separation of church and state is not near complete enough. The important distinction here is that religious moderates in these faiths are effective at condemning the extreme interpretations of their holy books and a great deal of reform has taken place. Islam on the other hand...

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 View Post
you're using the actions of extremists to criticize an entire religion
Ah yes, the "not all Muslims" argument. Aside from the fact that Raeko is doing the same thing in her post (I'm not defending any religions btw they are all dumb at their core), this is just untrue.

If this is purely extremism and not representative of a significant portion the faith, why are Muslim leaders around the world consistently either silent or even in support of this behaviour? Why do polls conducted by Pew Research Centre confirm these views aren't in the extreme at all? Apostacy = death, that's a generally accepted view in the Muslim world. Homosexuality is no different. Don't even get me started on women's rights.

The founder of the religion was a warlord who conducted raids and gathered a following through the use of violence and barbarism. It is the only Abrahamic religion that describes how to conduct war. This is part of the reason why even the most liberal reformists have a hard time "interpreting" the Quran in a peaceful light.

Last edited by Dynam0; 11-2-2020 at 11:05 AM..
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