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Old 10-11-2020, 12:55 AM   #1455
the Haku
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Default Re: TWG 197 - TWGood End 2

I just did the math and decided to hard claim.

I'm the Basic Seer.

I checked Xiz on N1, but since he's the alien, I got my check back.
The next night I had 2 checks. I expected to die and didn't think enough about it.

Anyway, N2 I checked both bugkid666 and SubaruPoptart. They're both Town.

I was 95% certain I was going to die last night, but I didn't.
So, yeah. Voting Subaru and bugkid666 in any dimension is now cancelled.

That leaves 6/9 for voting pool. Potentially 5/9 with tracker/watcher. Maybe even less if they got info.
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