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Old 09-18-2020, 07:50 PM   #19
Torn to oblivion!
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Default Re: TikTok soon to be banned from U.S.?

If anything, it just means Trump is throwing this kind of a fit. It's not even that big of an issue compared to the rest of the shit we've had to deal with in recent months. Personally, I can understand a number of reasons why the ban should take place, but like someone else pointed out on this thread, this is a very bad move.

As stated earlier, tension between the States and China is nothing new. That's been going on for the last few decades at least, possibly longer than that. What bothers me is why Trump to no one's surprise would ban this social media platform giant just because "it's based in China." On what grounds can he prove this? I can neither confirm nor deny that China is using data from the app from users who have downloaded it IN THE STATES, but this type of move is heavily redundant. Personally, I never had any interest in downloading TikTok ever, but I'd feel like a villain if I believed that no one else should either.

Because of this move, as you would expect, there's naturally going to be a massive public outcry about the move by younger people that use the app for whatever reason, whether to get a message across, sharing their life experiences, or just sharing random things that they think are funny/entertaining, which there's nothing wrong with. Once the ban is effectively in place - and no doubt Trump will push to make that a reality - one of two things will happen: People will either complain for a few weeks and then simmer down when ultimately a new, yet very similar app launches and start the whole chain over again, or worst case scenario, many people in the States will go into protest mode and like the George Floyd case, damages will occur everywhere like a huge city during a tornado that won't die down.

One thing I CAN promise though: There are going to be a lot of angry young people on social media ranting about why TikTok is no longer available for download in the US, and it's going to be one massive shit show I don't think anyone is ready for.
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Originally Posted by _Zenith_ View Post
@ULTIMEGA, dank meme genie.

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