Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 09-17-2020, 01:52 PM   #300
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Default Re: Coronavirus

Those who are 50 years of age or older are at risk, but there are younger people that have compromised immune systems who just as at risk as those at that age. Saying that no one under 50 is at risk is just throwing fuel on a fire that nobody wants or needed.

Respiratory conditions - one that already exist in some people - can also lead to infection and thus far greater risks, but symptoms of the virus don't appear until two weeks after you've caught it, and for two weeks AT MINIMUM, you don't know if you have it or not. It's a strain of virus that keeps itself hidden for at least that amount of time before they crop up. If you're in perfect health, you should be fine within a few weeks. But if you have a compromised immune system, you are more at risk of dying from the virus even if you're under 50 years of age.

It's also been confirmed that the virus is an airborne pathogen. One person can infect up to 50 other people or more within a six foot radius, though this is just from speculation alone. Though only 1% of the global population dies from the virus, the remaining 99% will survive, so while it's not very lethal, it can still cause problems. For one thing, even if we lose just 1% of our global population, that can lead to massive slow down in economic growth or halt it entirely.

But tell us again how all of this is a false fear tactic by the CDC that just wants to make a quick buck from the fear of other people. Go ahead.
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@ULTIMEGA, dank meme genie.

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