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Old 08-31-2020, 07:23 PM   #9
The Dominator
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Default Re: Flash Flash Revolution Drama

Here's a technique I've been using lately (I actually did it just now too!)

1) Start typing out your ACTUAL opinion about something. Be honest, they're your own thoughts dammit!

2) Proofread the post and check to make sure your context and tone are clear and in line with your true feelings.

3) Check to see if the post is going to cause backlash / negative reactions.

4) Now this is the fun part, depending on the result of the check in Step 3, a few things could happen depending on the person:
a) The result in Step 3 is NO, there won't be negative feedback. So post away!
b) The result in Step 3 is YES, there will be negative feedback. Simply clear your text box and go about your business knowing that you had all of your thoughts laid out but "did the right thing" and kept your mouth shut.
c) The result in Step 3 is YES, there will be negative feedback. But who gives a fuck? 1st amendment, free speech, all that jazz. If they don't like it, too bad because it needed to be said!
d) The result in Step 3 is...I DONT KNOW... at this point if you choose to post without anticipating the response you'll leave yourself open to a range of responses that will likely catch you by surprise. You can choose to post or not but I would err on the side of caution here and hold my tongue. There's no telling what unintended damage could be done! On the flipside, maybe you're just clueless and don't mean any offense. In which case I would say what's the harm in posting and learning from it?
e) There's also just trolls who will ensure that the result of Step 3 is always YES and post solely for the reactions they receive.

Last edited by Dynam0; 08-31-2020 at 07:29 PM..
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