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Old 08-23-2020, 08:55 PM   #175
DossarLX ODI
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Default Re: Weekly Batch Updates

Sunday, August 23rd, 2020 9:55 PM EST

There are some exciting additions to the batch submission area that you can see in this thread. To quote the first post:
Originally Posted by psychoangel691 View Post
Hello everyone!

As some of you have already noticed there have been some major changes to our batch submission area. Velocity basically took my list of stuff and made my dreams come true, haha.

Our old way of doing things has become pretty outdated and was hard to manage with 3 separate emails and tons of threads it was easy to get things mixed up. Now everything is all centralized into the batch submission area. You also can now easily see everything that's in queue to be released (unless it's from a private batch). Yes, I said private batches, we do have the ability to make it so you cannot see submissions to a batch that are not your own in order to keep some surprise when it comes to certain events. You'll always be able to see and edit your own submissions though.
Another awesome addition is when you submit your file there are now checkboxes that allow you to indicate if you'd like it to be a token, secret, or purchased file and whether you're okay with your file being held for future events. That will help me build up files for the OT's a lot faster, I was always weary about holding because I didn't want to upset anyone by holding a file for an extended period.

We also no longer need to use threads at all for the judgement of batches, everything will now be done right in the batch submission area. I can assign judges sets right within it, they can leave their notes and ratings on the file in the system, and you'll get a notification any time you get a status change on your file.

Lots of awesome stuff all around and I can't thank Velo enough for making it possible. I think I covered everything but if you have any questions about the new system please feel free to drop them in the thread here or reach out to me on discord
The list of requests up until August 23rd has also been captured in the Frame Fix Log thread.
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
oh boy, it's STIFF, I'll stretch before I sit down at the computer so not I'm not as STIFF next time I step a file
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