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Old 08-18-2020, 10:24 AM   #13
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Default Re: [Essay] Problems with the Canadian Education System

On a serious note:

Earlier segmentation is a weird topic imo; kids might just focus on what they can do, which is better in terms of lowering dropout rates, but then it most likely wont help keeping a minimum standard for each field (language, maths).

Also here in Québec you dont get economics classes unless you decide to study that in college (or maybe in cegep which is like years 12-14/15). We do get mandatory history classes though, go figure...

Oh I also see a bunch of really dumb people graduate from university, that's always sad. I also benefited from profs that were wayyy too nice, and that made me study less than I should/could have. For example in an exam, I asked a question to the prof, he be like "Yeah for that question it's that formula we saw 2 classes ago" or stuff like that. One could say it's anecdotal but sadly it isnt. Many classes are like that. Yes there are strict professors, obviously, but grading is far from standardized and so everything is wonky af.

All in all, yes I think our system is broken.
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