Thread: WAP
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Old 08-13-2020, 09:45 AM   #38
The Dominator
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Default Re: WAP

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 View Post

anyways time to give my hot(tm) take

so the song is significant not for the content but the controversy surrounding it.

as etienne already mentioned, sexually explicit songs are nothing new, when sung by men or women. but there's two things here that stand out: the song is more explicit than other sexual songs by contemporary artists (e.g. anaconda by nicki minaj, whistle by flo rida (ew)) and the song and the accompanying music video portray women as in charge of their sexuality and dominant over their partners (who we'd assume are men). music today is indeed very sexist, and women-- especially black women-- are often objectified.

we then have the music video which o n l y includes women, predominately black of all shades. an exception is kylie jenner, which i think is an interesting inclusion. she is very much white but her and her family have been accused over the years of co-opting black culture for money and fame. some think she shouldn't have been in the video at all, as her presence is detracting from the attention that cardi b and megan thee stallion should have instead. i don't know what to think of it, really. we also see normani at the end of the video who is talented af and let's us know it, but she's spoken out about racism in the music industry before (edit: and has not seen the meteoric rise in her career that she deserves). her music video "motivation" was also criticized as sexual when, really, it was pretty modest compared to other music videos when we think about it. why is that?

when people decry this song, they call it trashy. specifically, trashy. that's not the wording we use when a male singer makes a sexually explicit song, or when a woman is sexualized in a male singer's music video... or when a white or white passing woman makes a sexually explicit music video. i think this points towards the intersection of racism and sexism in both the music industry and in society as a whole.

and that's why i love this song. it's also a b o p
Find me the male equivalent to this music video and I would label it trash too. If there was a dude shaking his thicccc butt around talking about his juicy balls unironically I would probably yarf in my mouth as well.

This literally could have been shit out by Miley Cyrus and I would have called that trashy too.

Trash has no skin colour so to imply that my opinion is racist AND sexist is fucked up. If I was a butthurt SJW type I would probably demand an apology for that assertion.

Originally Posted by Gradiant View Post
Unpopular opinion, don't @ me:
I think people tend to put more weight towards whether or not an artist or the people in the music video are POC or a women rather than if the song is actually 'good'. I'd call this song trashy, not mainly because of the content (I actually enjoy listening to shit like 'my neck, my back' or cupcakke, whether it's their actual songs or the mashups with pop songs that are all over youtube), but because I think its just trash in general. The song to me is just incredibly boring, and pairing that with it coming from an also incredibly overrated artist AND a small bit if it being sex for sex's sake, I just really don't like this song. Unfortunately because of the first line of this post, generally if people don't like songs like this its seen as it because of the person being racist or sexist rather than not liking it because it's boring af

Last edited by Dynam0; 08-13-2020 at 09:52 AM..
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