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Old 06-27-2020, 06:18 PM   #136
Venetian Snares stepper
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Default Re: Official Tournament 13 Batch Notes


Circle Pit (ositzxz369) [7/10]
Artist: Venetian Snares -- Perms: OK

- took me a bit to understand the white note usage here in the opening, glad I played it through a few times

Ehh, I usually don’t do white notes for non-vocals, but I wanted to highlight this sound during this tiny section of the beat. I’ll turn all the later non-vocals to regular colors, but let me know if u want this section (19.566-37.842) stepped as the regular yellow 16ths.

- 26.118: not entirely sure why the switch from [L] to [u] for the snare happens; part of me wants to think that it’s for the bass that’s kinda pushing out, but that starts at 25.773

The bass 124 ascends three times, then the bass 321 descends two times. Imma just change this to 123/432. Honestly, from 19.566-37.842, it’s repetitive filler, so on this section, I just did whatever patterns as long as it wasn’t the same as the preceding pattern.

- 35.773: ^, but at 35.428

The bass 123 ascends three times, then the bass 432 descends two times. PR is really loose here, I was just focused on the ascend/descend.

- 41.383: this white note feels a bit off because it starts immediately; the other instances in this section are fine, it’s just this one.

Woops, that’s a ghost note.

- 44.738: given that you opened with normal color for percussion and white notes for vocals, omitting them when there’s clearly still percussion going on feels strange

K, the non-vocals are regular colors now.

- 1:50.428: I do believe this is a missing jump for that lower instrument you’re following every three 8th notes

There’s nothing jump-worthy about this note?? Snares are singles. There’s no thicc kick or any relation to the 3-beat background pattern. (1:48.876/1:49.393/1:49.911, 1:51.290/1:51.807/1:52.324, etc)

- 1:55.773: this pattern is kinda rude; I know it can be executed basically as a roll but the fact that you’ve got three 8th jumps in a 32nd burst like this makes this the worst burst in the chart by far

Removed the jump in the middle. K, how bout now?

- 2:06.893: ghost note, unless you’re following the lower synth -- in that case, you have numerous missing notes ahead that are pretty noticeable

Added some more notes for the lower synth. K, how bout now?

- 2:13.014/2:13.704: instance 1, same notes not repeating; instance 2, same notes, repeating?

K, I made Instance 1 into repeating.

- 2:14.566: if the patterning behind this is dictated by the instrument’s pitch, then this should also be an U (which will force you to resolve a minijack)

Relooking this, I want to completely change the way I did this descending pattern, so pls recheck dis new pattern I did.

- 2:19.221: missing jump for… I guess that’s a background organ? Hard to tell but it appears that’s what your jump structure conforms to.

Jumps only go on thicc kicks (the type of sound can be found on 2:18.704) and the 3-beat background pattern (which is probably rightly named – the background organ). This spot isn’t background organ, but it might be a thicc kick? I’ll put this as a jump just to be safe.

- 2:28.876: ^, same deal

There’s no background organ or thicc kick. It’s just two notes that sound the same, so it’s a mini-jack.

- 2:32.324: don’t see a need for the mini-jack here

K, I changed the jump into a single, so the mini-jack is gone now.

- 2:41.980: missing jump for kick


- 2:56.635/2:59.049/(etc): missing jump for kick (you do it at 2:54.221)

K. Added on to this by doing jumps on 3:00.256/3:00.428/3:00.514/3:02.928.

- 3:03.014/3:03.531: both of these [u]’s should be moved given that the first [u] is not a snare.

K, from 3:02.497-3:03.531, the [u] is the snare now, and the [r] is the Hoover now.

- 3:09.221: same musically as 2:59.566 - why are these only jumps (or better question, why are there 16ths after the jumps in the first instance?)

Good catch. K, I removed the 16ths in the first instance.

- 3:09.954: this is a ghost note; technically there’s a flam on the 4th so I can understand why you’d put something here, but they should be separated out

I hear a 32nd roll in this part, but w/e I’ll do ur suggestion.

- 3:10.428: flam here, with 3:10.471 and 3:10.514 removed.

I also heard a 32nd roll here, but I’m more willing to remove the two arrows u listed since my patterning choices were getting limited here before.

- 3:23.269/3:23.787/3:23.959: why ignore this percussion here?

Good catch. K, they’re stepped now.

- 3:36.459: same deal with the background organ as mentioned at 2:19.221.

Do u mean 3:26.459? If so, then good catch. But if u actually meant 3:36.459, then there’s no jump b/c there’s no thicc kick/background organ involved.

- 4:07.159: these bursts, and other variants of them -- look pretty bad visually compared to the rest of the chart which is generally really clean; I think you should either let color or pattern changes capture the cutoff cymbals there, because adding the jumps artificially adds difficulty by forcing players to arbitrarily speed up their rolls to hit the jumps properly

Fuk it, ill just make it a 32nd wall. Idk a good way to incorporate these 32nds.

Updated Circle Pit second draft. I’d like to add some new notes for u to check. On 2:38.531-2:38.876, I turned the thicc kicks into jumps. Also, on the 24th stream ending, do u think some of the repeated 6-note patterns could be made into a more comfortable pattern? If so, can u suggest some? I only ask b/c I initially phoned it in on this part.

Anyways, now it is time to wait for AJ’s reply to my reply of his notes on this file (and also to the files of - Back 2 Ze Core, Railing, Cobra Commander, and Benson and Hedges (Venetian Snares remix)).

Last edited by ositzxz369; 06-27-2020 at 06:20 PM..
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