Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 03-17-2020, 04:02 PM   #16
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Default Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 View Post
minneapolis is basically closed now. we have 60 cases, at least 22 of which are in my county.

i tried buying groceries 'cause i'm off today and wanted to make sure i could quarantine when i get sick. haha, NOPE. man people suck. me and my roommates are dangerously low on toilet paper, so we gotta strategize

my mom and i are worried about my grandma. she's 92 and in the hospital-- almost succumbed to the flu. she got it from being at her current residence, where my uncle passed it to her. i'm telling my mom to take my grandma into her house and get her the hell outta the twin cities. hopefully she listens.

the alano (place where aa meetings are held) is open despite all of this 'cause, let's be real, addicts have a higher chance of dying from addiction than covid-19. we have to socially distance and make meetings smaller. i went to one just now and was tryna not touch anyone lol

many of my friends are out of work because they work in the service industry. it fucking sucks. i basically can't tutor anymore myself, which was my 2nd job, but i'm super super fucking glad i work at target now because i know i can work there through all this.

edit: my dad also yeeted to somalia after i came out. he was supposed to come back at the end of this month but due to the virus he's still in somalia. somalia had their first confirmed case yesterday. blarrgghhh. i think he should come home and isolate with my mom and bros but idk. my mom's a nurse so perhaps home isn't the safest but my mom's also an anxious clean freak so.

edit2: me and my mom being tight again is another story that's not about the coronavirus. haven't spoken to my dad in almost half a year though
Lots of good and bad here, but glad you still can partake in some of the things to help yourself.
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