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Old 03-10-2020, 12:57 AM   #8
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Default Re: Nov/Dec 2019 Set 2


OFFSET: Fixed to -0.636. Saw James May's offset suggestion of -0.643 as well but it felt too late in several areas.
4.912: Goes to the guitar.
12.866, 17.998, etc: Yeah, I know what you mean, it's tempting right? Upon closer inspection, the marching band-esque drumroll is pretty slurred in the way it sounds, so it's hard for me to justify putting a short burst in these sections. Also, I wanted the file to be a bit easier. This actually was originally going to be an easier file, but it turned into a mid-level file that's somewhat moderated.
65.998: Same thing as above, just as you suspected. Btw, I experimented with some 32nds of varying lengths, but unfortunately none really felt right. Something else I noticed: those drumrolls are actually of varying lengths of duration, alternating between long and short drumrolls.
80.840: It seems that the vocals are ascending while the strings are descending. You're right about the 1122 drums actually descending instead of ascending; I'm thinking I did this as a result of the ascending [12] [23] jumps following the vocals instead. I shifted this entire section and now it works along with the drums descending.
94.498: The scale does begin at the 4th though.
106.024: I totally missed the strings here. Thanks for pointing that out. Added a 24th flourish.
108.472: Ah yeah, the first 16th at 108.56s is a 16th kick, but the remainder of the 16ths is not percussions nor violin flourishes but...surprise! The guitar!
111.235: In line with 106.024s, I also missed the strings here as well. Added!
122.366: Actually I ended up changing this part quite a bit since, but let's just say the pattern now ends in a [14] jump.

Right Back:

44.286: This file was a balance between getting the rhythms I wanted expressed, but not making it too layered that it would be difficult for newer players to follow. So you have sections where the layering is just vocals + the occasional keyboard going to slightly complex polyrhythms, and then 4th beat stepping when those more rhythmically confusing sections ease up. devonin once pointed out that newer players score better with songs that have a more evenly-filled chart than an emptier one in which the lack of arrows may make it harder to pick up on the rhythm. Hence my addition of 4ths when the song isn't busy.
95.727, 101.534, 103.560, etc: Good point; I followed through on most of them. The jumps seem to occur when the piano plays slight gallops (well, more like jazzy accentuations that are like very tight two-note ornaments).

Last edited by bmah; 03-10-2020 at 12:58 AM..
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