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Old 12-13-2019, 02:24 PM   #47
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Default Re: Can Song Rates Over 1 Count?

Originally Posted by sevinon View Post
I could see having a "highest rate FCed" stat for each song (including rates below 1 for those songs beyond ones current abilities) as being a nice added feature. This would also naturally add something I've wanted for a while which is just a visible FC tag for each song that isn't overwritten by a higher non-FC score.

This obviously would have a corresponding "highest rate AAAed" (which I know matters to other people more than it does to me).
This is a good idea in my opinion and brings a lot to the table without requiring too much dev work afaik.

Originally Posted by sevinon View Post
I can't see any real downsides to this though I guess there's the following caveat to the FC version: Since FFR is inherently precision focused compared to SM and such (e.g. boos don't break combos etc.), this would encourage mashing for high rate FCs (and therefore this wouldn't be a skill rating in any meaningful way, just a personal accomplishment indicator). However, since it would be it's own category it wouldn't pollute anything else so I don't see this being a real problem (I guess one could make it FC&Booless if you really wanted to avoid that issue). Additionally, this caveat obviously doesn't apply to the AAA version and there it's a perfectly valid stat for (song by song) skill comparison.

I guess it might drive the completionists nuts having another category (or two) to compete in. Any of them want to chime in?
Those aren't real problems; since we have Skill Level as a main skill metric, it doesn't matter much if other metrics might encourage mashing or not, as long as they are different from other metrics and some people like it.

I'm all for this as opposed to messing with the 1.0-only metrics.
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