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Old 09-26-2019, 12:47 PM   #14
The Dominator
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Default Re: Demographic Poll (Anonymous)

Completely serious question: is being a furry a choice? I can see someone being born with a certain set of "proclivities" that would lend themselves to being a furry but to me, is this not a socially constructed identity that reinforces itself through operant conditioning? Let's say you try it out and have a bad experience; just out of sheer bad luck you discount yourself as a furry. I wonder if a similar argument could be made of one's sexuality in general? I know a lot of women who "tried" being straight and had a terrible experience with their first encounter so ended up being a lesbian. Who knows what would have happened if the situations were slightly different. It's almost like preferring certain types of foods. I used to really like coconut as a kid but one day I got sick from eating a bunch of desserts that my mother made and now I stay away from coconut.

Okay back to work thanks for reading
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