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Old 09-3-2019, 09:03 PM   #161
Picker @ JAX2
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Default Re: TWG 189: Funnygurl VS T-Force Rivalry GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
We can make it something if you really want it to, dohoho.
i mean i think something i miss from the old games is that Things actually happened in them

you could have a progression across a day, instead of most people unsticking their hands from their tocks for the last 2 hours and making the lynch the primary progression

could be enthusiasm type deals, could be personal type deals, w/e

i definitely don't vote as aggressively anymore so i'm not immune to being the problem here, and i'll probably hit the point later where the game feels like it's draining away from other things i could be doing, but like

right about now seemed like a good time to see what i could do, it just so happens there's only so much to do, i guess

i wanted to make a sieve joke in another game but i couldn't figure out how to make it funny there and i still can't here
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