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Old 07-4-2019, 08:21 PM   #884
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Default Re: TWG 187: Senpai [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by mellon_collie View Post
one thing I will say as his previous wolf partner is that he tended to have his stream of consciousness in wolf chat rather than in the thread. if he doesn't really "think out loud" in thread I think that might be a bad sign that he has another outlet. I was waking up to like 40-50 messages a day so he definitely likes to talk about his thoughts so if he doesn't do that in the thread my read on him is going to change a lot
Originally Posted by mellon_collie View Post
maybe i ate too much spicy ricey earlier

I don't quite get where you are getting this read from, could you quote some examples?
See like in this post. Like I get sharing meta (thats what I'm all about after all) but I dont like stating certain things outright like that cause it tends to affect the way that player behaves and that ruins the read. Like if you had said as his previous wolf partner I think he kept a lot of his thoughts out of the game thread and I'll be looking closely that sounds pretty okay. But going into detail about it as this one specific thing that if he does not do will make me very suspicious is very hmm and I dont like it. Maybe its just a you thing but I like to keep things that might be telling to myself if that player doesn't realize yet that they're telling

Also this post made me think about your stream of consciousness and the way your posts have been and when I think of your posts the first thing I think of is WORD CONSERVATION. Like, I feel like you are thinking very carefully about each thing you say before you say it and that bugs me. I realize this read is probably utter trash but I gotta get my impressions out there so everyone can explain why I'm dumb so I can not make trash read in future.
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