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Old 07-4-2019, 03:17 PM   #778
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Default Re: TWG 187: Senpai [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Wayward Vagabond View Post
I feel like people are focusing more on me saying that he checked the OP and not on the fact that he knew to check the op and said that he knew raeko chose a number before he finished reading the post xiz made regarding the minigame
Originally Posted by Wayward Vagabond View Post
Y'all aren't picking up what I'm putting down. I'm saying it's weird that he knew to check the OP and post about it in a short amount of time because the way I see it the only way it's possible is if raeko and gs are aligned. This feeling was further solidified when gs said that he didn't even finish reading xiz's post about the minigame before raeko had chosen 7. Which to me reads that he was reading through the op and in a chat raeko went "I'm picking 7" gs said "what" and checked the thread. Raeko got her result and told gs and he then posted about it in the thread.
ok you put down the following:
-GS is wolf because he knew exactly that the gameshow would effect game mechanics
-GS is wolf because he knew raeko picked a number before even seeing it in the thread.

well ok let me pick up what you just put down:
-how would being wolf give you that knowledge, why would a wolf SPECIFICALLY wolf only know to check the game mechanics, why would a wolf for example hear about this in wolf chat and just... do the obvious wolf move and comment about raeko's pick like everyone else because wolfs dont have any way of knowing this would or would not effect the game mechanics any more different from any other player.
unless you know some wolf secret mechanic that lets them know the effects of gameshows that nobody else knew about in this game i dont think this is relevant
-GS did not know raeko picked a number before seeing it? what made you think this, if it's because he just reacted fast then i'm sorry to tell you but using that logic raeko would be even a better lynch target for you just because she apparently happend to have prior knowledge that the game show was gonna happen at that exact moment and reacted fast to it, shadow_god is also wolf because he unvoted me the moment i happend to post my first message on the thread and there's plenty of more examples that make little to no sense, if there's another reason that made you think GS knew before hand that raeko has voted please share it with us
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