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Old 06-11-2019, 08:38 AM   #1950
"The Quebec Steparatist."
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Default Re: TWG CLXXXVI - Anime North 2019 [GAME THREAD]

Based on previous votes, either Xiz is a bussing champ, or DBP looks a hell of a lot better now.

FFA less and less a safe option, but too early to consider that.

Xelnya with the insta does with some points, but it's really far from clearing you out, it's equally as likely you did that on purpose to win some town points in a game that was until then very wolf favoured. In fact you might actually look worse from it in my perspective.

Svaz and Mellon, I hope we aren't in a world where you are both VT. This would be the worst lol

sunfan, possibly VT MVP lol
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