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Old 03-3-2019, 09:53 AM   #10
D7 Elite KeysmasherFFR Veteran
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 4,677
Default Re: How do i get good at this game?

There are two important things this game requires you need to become 'good' never mind amazing.

You have to be able to read and you need physical technique to have you're fingers better articulate more complex patterns and at higher speeds of reaction.

Reading from my experience can best be thought of as following the arrows as they scroll up the screen from bottom to top vice versa and sill maintaining a visual of the overall space that the arrows cross. (of course this means focus/attention span)

Physically you are new to the game and do need to develop muscle memory still to compensate for lack of reading and connections from you're mind to you're tendons, but as you get very ingrained with the streaming of signals from you're mind to you're fingers with only 4 keys to press you then need to leverage ways to utilize other muscle groups in order to insure you're actual fingers only have to work a fraction as hard as they would and compound motion to translate back into you're key strokes.

In short think of it like every arrow is a different muscle movement even though technically you still are hitting that arrow with you're finger/finger tips.

another thing I can throw in there that took me forever to figure out was that though it may be instinctive to some people how to wrist jack if they are some rhythm game prodigy, I learned you actually have to focus on lifting you're wrists as much as you push them down.

Hope this can give you a few ideas of approach and consider using rates to practice patterns in the game.
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