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Old 01-14-2019, 03:28 AM   #1030
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Default Re: FFR Unofficial Tournament 2018 Feat. RamenBox [Get2.5thPlace

Originally Posted by SK8R43 View Post
Why arent the credits distributed evenly? I think the d1 winners deserve just as many as the d7 players. If anything the d1 players had to try harder...
Cred pot should be the same for each division winner, each second, and each third. Amirite?

I mean everyone who participated gets the same amount whether theyre d1, d7, tried as hard as they could, didnt try and barely submitted scores, etc.
if we all got the same prizes as everyone else then there is literally no reason to try hard to be the best

it doesn't matter how hard you tried we're not ranking people based on their will power or determination we're ranking them based on pure skill and everyone in D7 is alot higher skill then everyone in D1
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