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Old 11-9-2018, 09:39 PM   #58
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Default Re: An Open Letter Re: Mods

Originally Posted by Celirra View Post
For what its worth I kinda think your general issue with this stems from a dislike you seem to have for raeko rather than a legitimate issue... if V presented that rule I imagine you wouldn't be this upset over it?
but thats also neither here nor there (its also tgb specific isn't it, which has always been a more subjective and disconnected ruleset to an extent)
The issue at hand there is that the only reason that word does what she claims it does, is because people like her have given it that pedestal and power to do so. My like or dislike of Raeko aside, what I have to say about it remains the same. Censoring it doesn't solve the issue, removing the power from it does. You do this by not giving it that power in the first place.

I take issue with people who are easily offended, or bothered by things. Partially because I don't get it. Partially because of that, I don't care who I offend. My view of the world and most of the people in it is largely to blame. I know that.

But the reason I'm so in arms about it is that, by letting it into the section of the site, literally meant to have a more loose rule-set, what will make it's way to the main section eventually?

Like seriously. My original posts on this, was a complete hyperbolic parody of the rules, mocking them into oblivion and commenting on them, and intentionally using words and phrases to make my point. But instead of doing things such as adding words to the filter, or really even trying to discuss it (yeah surprise that was an option) I just got deleted. I wanted to talk about it, I would argue rather I may have chose the wrong method.

But, that's not really productive. It's not the correct course of action, because if I had actually broken the rules, I'm well past the point where I deserve any warnings. I know I broke no actual rules with those posts.

The PM I sent to her afterwards in frustration? Which I actually got banned for? 100% broke at least a few site rules. It was nasty.

I can still post in the gbin even. But why the hell would I want to post in the place that's supposed to be for people who post like I do, when the rules there are more rigid and strict.

It makes no sense. If you're gonna keep Raeko as a mod, fine. But over the gbin? Likely the worst assignment here.

And making me a mod? Worst fucking idea ever. Don't ever do that. I'm kidding.
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