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Old 11-9-2018, 09:04 PM   #51
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Default Re: An Open Letter Re: Mods

Originally Posted by Celirra View Post
I hope Xel isn't banned for this because I like Xel well enough, and i think this is a good example of the kind of thing that can be worked out with mutual understanding... and it kinda also is the purpose of this thread, to let people voice opinions about this topic?
Look. If I get banned, we all know I'm gonna laugh it off, and mock it with people one on one, or in a call somewhere, just like I always do. When I get banned, I'll tell you it's usually one I see coming.

I think the current mod team, for the most part, is fine. I might not like their style of moderation, but only one mod in particular has done something I feel is worthy of being made fun of, and then just insulted to hell when the joke is missed, or my point is ignored in favor of pushing their own view point. Especially when it's not exactly the first time it's happened.

I think deleting posts is fine when it serves a purpose. Banning people when they break what's written in the rules thread, sure.

Using the infraction system correctly? I'm for. I still have permanent points I don't deserve according to the old, and new rule set. It's got it's kinks, and tbh most of them are likely worked out with rotating new people in.

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
What will your first action be, Mr. Xel?
You already know what it would be. I'd take the gbin and make it great again. Most of the other mods got the rest of the site in a fairly good place.

Like Rapta over MP? He sent me a message last time I played FFR because I was in the MP room. This man knows what's up. OWA and a few others hit this spot pretty nicely as well.
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