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Old 11-3-2018, 08:22 PM   #22
DossarLX ODI
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Default Re: Dossar's Foot Play goals

October 2018 Reflection

October 2018 Goals
- Continue maintaining a good state of the pad: get a riser frame, check the sensors regularly
- Play every 2-3 days
- Get down to 145 pounds
- Play 200 BPM in at least half the sessions
- Break 90 on several 14s

A lot of weird pad stuff happened this month. I had to adjust the wheels a couple of times and the down panel broke (I was sent a replacement, thanks Kyle Ward ). I was able to install a 1/8" riser frame and adjust the up and right arrows a bit, although I've noticed that the up and right arrow have some particularly interesting issues:
- The up arrow is for some reason undersensitive in the bottom-right corner (important corner, go figure)
- The right arrow is good on the outside, but the inner edge requires to be hit a certain way to register (important edge, go figure)

For now it looks like the pad should be in a playable state, but I'm expecting to have to work on the up and right arrows more this month. Some sessions the right arrow was so bad that it would give 20 or more misses during a song while the other panels would give zero or a few.

I did manage to get down to 147 pounds, so even though it's not the 145 goal, it's still a good step forward considering how much my weight fluctuates.

The 200 BPM goal didn't work out as much as I hoped due to pad issues, although I did try out some DDR songs like Anti-Matter CSP 18.

I'm going to take away the play every 2-3 days goal and just go by that I'll try to play as often as I can without making it stressful. The aim is still every two days as much as I can.

I did break 90 on the two 14s I got videos of on October 1st, but nothing after that.

What really stood out to me for October was my DDR A accomplishments. On October 20th I got the following:
- First Single 18 950,000 break (Max 360 ESP 18)
- Another Doubles 18 Pass (Paranoia Revolution EDP 18)
- Two new ESP 16 AAAs (Life is Beautiful and Wadatsumi)
- Fascination Maxx CSP 18 double digit greats and single digit misses

As a result, I'll have goals for DDR A mixed in this time. I of course still have a focus of improving stamina and speed, which should lead to accomplishing the DDR A goals. What'll make the DDR A goals harder is that on public DDR machines, the pads are not modded so there are more misses and greats that result from trying to play similarly on my pad.

November 2018 Goals
- Get down to 145 pounds
- DDR A: Break 990k on several more 16s
- DDR A: Break 900k on more 18s, and break 950k on another 18
- DDR A: Break 970k on several 17s (Be a Hero and Saber Wing Headshot come into mind)
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
oh boy, it's STIFF, I'll stretch before I sit down at the computer so not I'm not as STIFF next time I step a file
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