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Old 10-22-2018, 10:10 PM   #1
Picker @ JAX2
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Default Re: TWGXXXI - TWGreeD - Game Thread

DaBackpack - so for the stupid bit of this, i thought you were legit frozen by prec's meme read and that was endlessly amusing. i don't get the thing with sunfan bc people call out things they think are TvT all the time, regardless of whether they should or not, but having made posts like that before i don't think they usually seal the argument. like you even contest that "the whole thing was over" in your response to him. feels like you didn't quite get current so i'm not minding your snippier responses to people for now

the sun fan - lol okay you made the same point yesterday that i just got to, about jumpiness. what do you think of haku not having many thoughts? i kinda like the little chat we had about pearl where you reminded me about powers even though i think it's in your range, because like, something about the way you assured me it wasn't a partner save feels like a thing you could do. i like bringing in charu to the conversation where you did

my phone notes have a char limit apparently so enjoy these
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