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Old 09-23-2018, 01:56 PM   #105
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Default Re: VISA/Mastercard blocks payment to Horowitz Center because of SPLC

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 View Post
I've been thinking about some hypotheticals about who should receive blame for a violent act, and I still wouldn't blame someone who is encouraging, urging, or persuading unless they were assisting with the violent act.

In any case, I don't think this is applicable to Alex Jones anyway
It's hard for me to say if this is applicable to Alex Jones, but it is definitely applicable to Milo Yiannopodop (who is only relevant in this thread because of OP) and I say yes, that kind of speech (doxxing a trans woman and inciting violence against her for "lulz") should NOT be protected.

I'm Asian, if someone wants to say "all y'all Asians smell bad" or "lol Asians got teh small cocks" I could give less of a fuck, but when someone says "MURDER ALL ORIENTALS!" then I say de-platform, de-platform, de-platform.

Actually I just remembered the bullshit Jones pulled regarding Sandy Hook, so yeah, de-platform. I don't even blame him for the Pizzagate shooting, but I certainly have to blame him for inciting the harassment and threatening of grieving parents what the fuck
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