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Old 09-12-2018, 09:34 PM   #107
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Age: 25
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Default Re: If humans could make dogs immortal, should we?

Originally Posted by the sun fan View Post
jesus christ on a cross
EDIT: I could've done it. I really, really could've made it until you said you were complicit with eating meat, but also compared butchering turkeys to the Holocaust. I really, really could've handled it up until then.

You experience reality on a different plane than everyone else, or something, Ashy. The lifespan of dogs is not a problem that needs to be addressed. For whatever fucking reason on this planet, they live as long as they do. Humans do not have an obligation to increase their lifespan, and if we attempted to, it would fail. Dogs are meant to live as long as they do, its very clear. I cannot explain this concept further.

I can understand not liking euthanasia. I respect someone who makes an educated reason for not liking it. I even think I understand why you don't like it.


Don't you ever fucking dare impose those beliefs on someone else. Don't you ever fucking dare post that kind of comment to someone that's lost an animal very dear to them that same day. I literally don't think you can comprehend what I'm saying but that was all kinds of fucked up. They loved them, they took care of them for many years, and they couldn't bear to see this animal that they loved suffer. Respect that decision, don't bitch about it on reddit. That person is not a murderer, nor is/are the vet(s) that euthanized that animal.

I debated writing a longer paragraph about my (limited) experience working with animals where there was no hope, I've decided to go a little shorter here; when there is no hope, euthanasia makes sense to me. Watching a frail animal that doesn't understand why it can no longer fly or so in pain that it cannot behave how it normally would; its sickening to see. Releasing an animal back into the world is exactly what you want it to be; a happy image where you shield yourself from the reality of the situation with the Shield of Ignorance giving you the bliss you want. Watching an animal die slowly is incredibly, incredibly selfish and the comfort you gain from keeping an animal you care about alive is nowhere near worth the suffering they go through. You said it yourself; turkeys have feelings too. They feel pain too.

The animal released into the wilderness will not enjoy being in the wilderness. Most domesticated animals are imprinted on humans, a few animals can make it, its not an important distinction, so I'll grant you that somehow, someway, these pets would normally be alright in the wild and aren't imprinted on humans.

They're still in pain and they're still dying. Think about what happens to sick and dying animals in the wilderness, eh? Do they live happy lives and enjoy the rest of their days? They are lucky to die a quick death. The cat/dog/whatever dying of cancer will, in addition to being sickly, frail and in pain, will also spend the short amount of life they have remaining terrified of this new environment, and will be killed very quickly.

All of this is forgivable.

And then you compared slaughtering turkeys to the holocaust based solely on number of animals killed lmao.

I guess I'm happy I can shake my head and laugh at that.
All I’m gonna say is that the vet is the very definition of a murderer and so is the person. They can’t escape responsibility just cuz it’s an animal.

This is way too much to digest in one post
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