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Old 09-10-2018, 04:25 PM   #3438
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

picked up wow again, and after upgrading a bunch of shit in my pc, I can p. safely say that bfa is a gorgeous xpac. zandalar almost makes me want to roll horde... almost

but it's been pretty frustrating so far. I don't think I have played a new xpac this close to release in my whole time playing wow, so idk if this is "normal" or whatever, but damn. I do remember having to run shit and wishing for good weapons and after spending nearly two years not needing to worry about weapon upgrades (relics don't count lol), going back to the weapon grind sucks.
also demon hunters got absolutely nerfed into the ground, holy fuck. I leveled as havoc ofc and while it took a bit to get used to the gcd change and the lack of leggos, it's still fun. but vengeance man, fuck me. it feels so bad to tank now that I have decided wholeheartedly that I'm swapping to another main.

I played warlock, priest, and DH as my mains through Legion so I probably won't play any of these three in this xpac, at least not anytime soon. I kinda want to roll a mage or rogue, but I've been spoiled by having access to instant queues and survivability.

funnily enough, now that my pc doesn't suck ass, I'm kinda excited to level from the ground up.
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