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Old 08-24-2018, 01:55 PM   #34
the Haku
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Default Re: are ideas such as "respect" or "being nice" mutually understood, or are they vagu

Anyone can decide the value of anything from their own perspective so, it seems weird to me that you guys would assume other people are worthless.

Being selfish is part of life because you have to take care of yourself first or else you won't have the health/energy to do anything.

That doesn't mean you don't care about others. It's just a logical priority.

There should be room left to invest yourself into others and get something constructive out of it.

If I met a stranger, I'd be respectful at first to try to get a feel of who they are and if it feels like we're both interested into having a discussion on a similar wavelength, I may eventually just say how I really think about things in a more straightforward manner. It's like layers of politeness/comfort. People do filter what they say and I think it's a mutually understood concept overall because people tend to do this unconsciously.

If you give respectful/nice vibes to people they may pick up on it. If you have no faith in them, they might pick up on it too. People can kind of read into each others and get a decent idea of what you're about. So, if you're hoping for a specific conversation, you'll have a better chance if you share concerns about it rather than trying to put others on some sort of imaginary pedestral based on how you think they are.

tl;dr: It's relative to how you want to perceive your own environment and people.

(lol, I'm kind of saying that ideas such as "respect" or "being nice" are both mutually understood, but also potentially vague because I'm not aware of if this is something everyone would do, but I just assume that's the case.)

Originally Posted by TheThong View Post
I agree with this. I always treat people with respect initially (like I give everyone the benefit of the doubt), if they're gonna be an asshole - then I won't waste my time/energy on them.

I have this lady at work (who is in her 50's - not that age matters), that constantly runs around in circles and complains about how busy she is. So I'll give her a hand, and on multiple occasions she will yell at you and say, ' I didn't need your help, why are you young people so disrespectful and trying to take my job '. �� I'm not sure how me helping you to be less stressed is me being disrespectful. ��
My guess would be that she's more the indirect type and if you help her without asking her, she may be confused by your intentions and say that.

Last edited by Hakulyte; 08-24-2018 at 02:01 PM..
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