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Old 08-15-2018, 08:45 PM   #1
FFR Veteran
FFR Veteran
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 12
Lightbulb Keys/Notes per second tracker

Hey everyone,

As I am getting better at FFR, I was interested in seeing how many keys I'm pressing per second in some of the faster songs, so I made a small little app that would track that for me.

When I was using it, I actually found that it helped me improve myself further because I can track keys per second (KPS) limit of my fingers/eyes, and I can now easily do some math to help make songs the perfect speed to improve myself. For example, I found that I have no difficulty reading and playing 14-15 KPS streams, but when it goes up to 17-18, my fingers can't keep up. Therefore, I can improve myself using almost any song by looking at my peak KPS when playing it, and then setting the song rate to a higher value such that the peak KPS * song rate will be around 16-17, just one or 2 KPS faster than my limit.

I have looked online for a similar keys or notes per second tracker, and could not find anything, so I thought I would share mines to the community.

Here is an example of what it looks like:

You can download it here:

Please read the README on my GitHub on how to set it up:

Currently, I only have support for Windows since that's the machine I'm using, so I'm sorry to anyone who doesn't have a Windows machine.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or suggestions!

Last edited by broodwar3; 08-15-2018 at 08:49 PM..
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